Tuesday, May 21, 2013

(52 - 4) * 5 * 1000 = 240,000

What is this? Here they are ---

52 weeks in a year
4 weeks vacation
5 days a week
$1000 a day

So, 240k is minimum an IT engineer should make in order to justify their investment in education, plus working intensity day in day out, etc.

In reality, how many engineers are compensated in this range, disregard the folks in positions of Director and above.

Is it worth it? Maybe, for the early years. A hard-working experiences in early years would be a very positive life experiences --- to gain first pot of gold, and first hand knowledge of office politics.

One shall never settle in an engineer position. In other words, obtaining an MBA during the first 5 years of engineering job is a must! After that, there are a lot more career paths leading to much more self-satisfactory and handsome financial rewards.