Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Somebody's writing about the path every beginner goes through

1.            为什么要写这篇文章
    从2012年5月 开始重新进入美国股市、债市,到现在刚刚满一年。一直想写一点自己投资的心里历程。一来感谢我的投资启蒙老师(M老师),二来也提供一些经验教训给和我一样在投资路程上摸索的新手。
2.            复利效应和股场初试
    我们对投资重新开始感兴趣,主要是两个原因。一是因为M老师一直以来将他的投资理念蕴含在和我们闲聊的过程中。现在回头想想,真是辜负和浪费了许多M老师 的投资机会。尤其是听M老师聊在2008年金融危机时的经历,让我们对投资有了一个全新的认识。原来投资还是有可能“有章可循”。
    第二个原因,是对复利效应和追求经济独立之间关系的认识(compounding effect vs. financial independence)。当时我自己用excel坐了一个文件来看复利的效应。如果能够保持8%到12%的年收益率,并且假定到退休以后仅以5%的固 定收益率来支取生活费,那么达到同样的退休收入,复利效应要比没有复利效应要早15到20年。简单的计算方法虽然没有考虑到许多生活中的变数,但其中表达 的道理对我是一个警醒。 早日达到经济上的自由,确实对我是一个很大的诱惑。(建议新手可以自己计算一下,如果有问题,可以发信给我,我可以把我的excel文件给你。我的 email是
    当时我们做的第一个trade是优酷并购土豆网。当时,M老师三番五次的给我们讲这个Merger Arbitrage的方法,终于有一天,我们付诸实施了一把。虽然当时没敢多投,绝对盈利不是很多。但是,当我们把盈利换算成年回报率(APR) 时,APR竟然能够轻易超过我之前算复利效应时的假设值。
3.            初始策略和资金筹集
    刚开始,我采取的操作方法大多数是现金保证的Put期权交易(cash secured put option)。M老师当时给我讲的第一条是:他所认识的做Put期权的人,到现在没有一个在股市上存活下来的。虽然刚开始做的很好,但当人的期望值上升 以后,开始用上杠杆,风险加大,最终没有能够持续,反而被清盘了。
    但是,为什么我一开始就用cash secured put option方法呢?这和我开始对put option的风险理解有关系。举一个当时我实际操作的例子,当时JPM (JPMorgan Chase)碰上伦敦投资失败的冲击,股票从$43降到$33左右。当时我想,或者我直接扑股票,但是,万一股票进一步下跌呢?所以,我就选择卖$25 strike price Sept 2012的put option。当时的premium是一个option $0.83, 年收益率在10%。我们当时的想法是,在$33买进JPM,风险对我们有点大。但是,如果$25买进的话,我觉得应该可以接受,这样给自己一个25%股价 下降的安全系数(($33-$25)/$33~25%)。现在知道,这叫做deep out-of-the-money put option。 这个策略不好的地方在于严重限制了自己的收益,好处是换取了一定的保护系数。当时我在7月份就把这个仓位给关了,实际年收益率(APR)在16%。
    因为这个cash secured put option策略,我开始把零散在其他账户的资金开始往同一个帐户归集。资金集中,这样抗风险的能力也大一些。当然,这也是一个双刃剑,控制的不好也会全 军覆没。(在筹集资金上面,也有一些有趣的插曲,以后有机会在和大家说。)
    刚开始用的是Etrade和Wells Fargo (IRA),后来M老师建议用IB (Interactive Broker)。IB界面不如Etrade那么简单明了,开户申请也麻烦一些。但是,IB的交易费用要比Etrade要低很多很多,而且比我所了解接触的 其他任何broker都要低很多。不仅股票交易费低,Option和债劵的交易费用更是天壤之别。如果大家对IB感兴趣以及想了解在开户申请时要注意的事 项,可以发信给我。
4.            师傅领进门,修行在个人
    对于学习的资源,M老师重点推荐了Seeking Alpha这个资讯网站。对这个网站,我现在也是极力推荐。Seeking Alpha上的材料和分析是目前我见到的最好的,我们的建议是“吸取有用之才,结论还得自己拿”。当然,对于资讯投资网站,或者投资书籍要有一个切合实际 的期望值。市面上基本不会有照搬股评、分析就能够投资成功的。收费的投资网站尚且如此,更何况是免费的像Seeking Alpha一样的网站了。有了这样的期望值,Seeking Alpha还是很不错的。Iphone/Ipad的Stocks  APP会实时更新Seeking Alpha上相关股票的文章。
    如果说,“师傅领进门,修行在个人。”读几本好书,是我认为修行最重要的起始一环。开始读书之后,我才意识到在投资领域,自己之前是在,“I don’t know what I don’t know”的阶段;接触了M师傅和几本好书以后,我终于能够提高到,”I know what I don’t know” 的阶段。
    这里简单举一个我印象比较深的例子,在下面我推荐的几本书中,都提到这么一个故事。大意是以S&P Index为参照物,比较市面上的各种投资基金的收益率。首先,大多数的mutual fund无法超越S&P index fund。如果扣除mutual fund的费用,那成绩就更差了。第二,如何来看待一年跑赢大盘,5年跑赢大盘的基金。如果假设让大猩猩来操作所有市面上的mutual fund,它们每天纯粹以掷骰子来选择投资,那么从统计学的角度来说,总会有个别大猩猩会连续几年跑赢大盘。所以,写书的作者想让大家明白,市场总体是 efficient的,不要迷信所谓的专业投资人士,他们可能就是其中运气比较好的大猩猩之一。原书比我叙述的要精彩许多,而且有数据来支持,建议大家可 以读读。
    当然,这也有例外的,建议大家读读Warren Buffett在1984年哥伦比亚大学的演讲。在演讲中,Buffett先用掷硬币的类比来讲述了上面我举的类似例子。从而引出他对Benjamin Graham的投资理念的介绍,非常精彩。典型的先抑后扬的笔法。
The Intelligent Investor, by Benjamin Graham
The Four Pillars of Investing, by William Bernstein
A Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton G. Malkiel
Asset Allocation, by Roger C. Gibson
Option volatility and Pricing, by Sheldon Natenerg
5.            风险规划,整体规划
    在读书的过程当中,也进行着一些操作。其间,开始学习买了一些企业债劵。第一次买的时候,还不知道债劵是以$1000为一手,一不小心弄出了大笑话。不过 我主要的策略还是以cash secured put option为主。而且还是以deep out-of-the-money put option为主。记得在Nokia刚刚推出Lumia920的时候,我还专门去AT&T的店里去实际体验了一下。出来以后,决定在当时 Nokia  $2.4的时候,卖了$1.5 strike price Jan 2013 的option。在有将近40% 价格下降空间的保护下,option的premium竟然还是有24%的APR。当然,风险的控制也限制了我的收益,现在Nokia的股价已经在$4左右 了。
    同样的策略,我也用在了新东方上 (EDU)。当时新东方被SEC和Muddy Water双重夹击,股价一路狂跌。毕竟我们这一代出国的人,都或多或少上过新东方,对老俞还是有一定的了解。
    读书最重要的是活学活用和实事求是。上边的几本书,有一个最大的特点是利用大量的数据来通俗易懂的解释一些非常重要的观点。虽然现在我并不一定完全同意里 面的观点,但是,我非常喜欢他们论证的方法和数据。尤其是数据,不同的表述、取舍会得出许多有趣,甚至充满矛盾的结论。我的文笔实在无法表达出我读上述几 本书时的那种即兴奋又懊悔的心情。兴奋的是明白了许多非常重要但也非常容易理解的道理,懊悔的是自己以前犯的投资方面的错误大多可以避免。
    举几个例子来说。第一,如何来选择mutual fund?多年前,还是上学的 时候,我往往通过Yahoo Finance来筛选上一年的收益靠前的基金,然后从中来选择。结果,实际收益是一塌糊涂,而且,更严重的是,我从来没有明白是什么原因导致收益差。通过 上述作者大量数据的解释,我才明白,如果要投资mutual fund,最重要和最基本的是两点: index fund和low cost。
    第二,如何规划自己整体的投资分配和风险控制。在上面4本书中,都讲到了要合理 进行投资分配 (asset allocation)。这里可以有多个层次上的分配(allocation)。 一类是投资种类,比如股票、债劵和黄金等等。在股票里面也分为国内和国际,small and large cap等等。债劵也分为各个风险等级和时间长短。这里加一句,我个人不建议投资债劵基金 (bond fund)。如果感兴趣,我以后可以说说我的理由。
    另一个层次是从风险控制上来说的。具体拿我的情况来说,我之前以cash secured put option为主要策略,那么为了控制风险,我要尽量让我的仓位不要有很强的相关性。这样,即使有个别position被hit到,我的准备金也能够确保 整体帐户安全。而且,我要保证不要让某一个position占的比例过高。在操作过程当中,有时确实会控制不好。记得最近有一次,我的百度(BIDU) $90 strike price的put option占的比例过高,没想到,还真被hit到了。当百度跌到$85以后,我被迫以$90的strike price吃进来。而且吃进来的分量占了我所有仓位的一半。那一周,我确实有些紧张了,确实有些大意。我不是太担心百度这个股票本身,而是它占我的比重太 大了。万一有一个小概率事件发生(当时钓鱼岛事件正在升温),我的风险就太大了。所以,当时,我不得不把其他一些中概的position给出了。后来,百 度一回到$90,我赶紧就出来了。不过,当时又犯了过分操之过急的错误。没有留一些到$100再出。
    在许多的文章和书籍中,经常提及一个股票和债劵的比例分配问题。比如,50-50的分配。并且,许多文章还把这个模型用以前的数据来验证,来说明这个模型 对整体Portfolio稳定性提供了最好的帮助。当我和M老师讨论这个问题的时候,M老师非常敏锐的问我,为什么债劵在近30年对整体的 Portfolio的稳定性有极大的帮助吗?最根本的原因是由于美国国债利率从1980年以来是一直在降低,从将近16%到现在接近于0。当利率降低时, 债劵就会升值,这也是为什么近30年来,债劵一直被推崇为稳定整体Portfolio最重要的支柱之一。但是,现在的利率已经无法再低了,债劵的风光已经 不再了。利率上升的大趋势是可以预测的,但具体什么时候利率上升,这个是无法预测的。最近股市的波动也源于此。
6.            返璞归真
     从我现在接触到的书籍,唯一有比较完整数据支持的竟然就是一个非常简单的策略:Cost average invest into low cost index fund with larger than 30 years horizon. (长期的有规律的分批投资到低费用的股指基金。)
7.            谋求策略
     寻求判断方向 (long or short) 是主要的,具体操作只是形式而已。
8.            写文章
     这篇文章虽然是综述和心理历程,却不是我们的第一篇有关投资的文章。在今年6月份的时候,我和M老师决定一起合作在Seeking Alpha上写一些有关中国公司的股票。我们的初衷主要是在Seeking Alpha上加入中国人对中概股的视角。我们很熟悉的中国的东西对大多数美国投资者可不一定那么了解。反正平时也要读大量的投资资讯,利用业余时间顺便写 点中国视角的东西,一是看看我们自己能否消化这些信息,二来也是积累我们自己的投资理念。当然赚点击率和稿费也是写作动力之一。这也算是让LD支持我晚上 以及周末花时间写文章的动力之一了。第一篇正式发表文章出来的过程让我们有点失望,1000多的点击率恐怕连English Proofread的费用还无法cover。(第一篇的English Proofread是Seeking Alpha的编辑和LD的美国同事帮忙搞定的,倒没有花钱。)第一篇文章以探路和定性分析为主,无法面面俱到了。
    第二篇文章还在English Proofread当中。
9.            结束语
10.          补充:关于风险控制
Risk management:
a.            Diversification. 
Everyone knows diversification works. The difficulty lies in human weakness. People don’t like losing money. So often they double down on a losing bet. For example, Citi bank stock dropped to $30 dollar in 2007 and my co-worker told me he doubled his bet and will do it again if it drops more. I don’t know what he was doing when Citi broke $1. My suggestion is to increase bet on a winning position rather than a losing one and in either case the maximum position weight shouldn’t exceed 15%.
b.            Preserve principal.
Index fund is safer than individual stocks and bond in general is safer than fund for capital preservation. People might conclude that bonds are good since it is safer. What you need to do is to normalize the return. For example, to earn $1, you need to invest $100 in a 1% bond for one year. For the same return you need to sell $10 put for a stock that is trading at $15. Which one is riskier? It is not obvious.
c.             Control leverage.

Let’s say you have $100 in your account. You can take $10 and invest in the riskiest investment, for example, buy penny stocks. The most you can lose is $10. On the other hand, you can take all the money to buy S&P index ETF. You could lose more than $10 whenever there is market correction which happens both in bull and bear market.  So how much leverage should you use? Everybody has to make his own decision. To me it means my leverage should be such that when market drops 20 percent, my total portfolio should drop no more than 20 percent.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

REIT 101 [zt]

REIT’s Are the Future of Real Estate Investment

Back in 1989, when I moved to San Diego to get into the commercial real estate industry, local developers built and owned most of San Diego’s commercial real estate. Names like Oliver McMillin, The Hahn Company and The Koll Company dominated the landscape. Then, the real estate recession of the early-mid 90’s brought much of that to a close, with assets reverting back to lenders through foreclosure, or to the RTC (Resolution Trust Company) through the seizure of much of the Savings and Loan industry. There was no appetite for investors or lenders to put capital into commercial real estate thereafter for many years.
However, real estate entrepreneurs didn’t sit idle during the 1990’s, and the capital markets and investment bankers didn’t either. While REIT’s (Real Estate Investment Trusts) had been in existence for about three decades, the mid-1990’s propelled REIT’s into what they are now. Individual investors, pension funds and life insurance companies had all been badly stung by buying into individual properties in the 1990’s. Those investors still wanted the real estate asset class in their portfolio, but didn’t want the risk concentration of any one building or project, or the lack of liquidity inherent in commercial real estate assets. Meanwhile, there were billions of dollars of foreclosed and seized assets that could be bought for half off, or less. Thus, the supply of real estate capital converged with the demand for real estate capital, and the REIT sector took off. As reported by in 1990, there were 58 equity REIT’s in the U.S. with a combined market cap of $5.5B, and in 2010, there were 126 REIT’s with a combined market cap of $360B.
A REIT is a public entity that raises capital from a stock offering, just like any other company would. However, while most public companies use that capital to fuel their R&D, sales and marketing and the expansion of their operating business, for a REIT, it’s the underlying property asset portfolio that is being taken public. The capital raised is generally used to acquire even more real estate assets. The public is investing in the quality of the assets themselves, and most importantly, the cash flow from those assets. What is so attractive to investors in REIT’s is that a REIT pays no corporate tax, so long as at least 90% of a REIT’s taxable income is distributed to shareholders through dividends. Thus, investors get a cash dividend from the stock, and also enjoy the upside of capital gains from the growth of the stock.
To a REIT, it’s all about amassing assets to drive income. This is why REIT’s are generally best positioned to fund tenant improvements and building upgrades, as they will often trade capital investment in spades for the increased income they can derive through long term rents. REIT’s have been incredibly stable through this recession of the last three years. With typically low debt and broad diversity of assets (both in number of assets and geography), a few empty buildings do not kill a REIT. Just to put it in perspective, Kilroy Realty, the second largest owner of property in San Diego County, has 141 buildings totaling 14M square feet from San Diego to Seattle. Alexandria Real Estate Trust, one of the largest players in biotech facility ownership, has 167 buildings totaling 13.7M square feet from San Diego to Boston. While property ownership structures of the past would have been wiped out during this recession, REIT’s have continued to raise capital, have been aggressive in their leasing programs, and have generally seen their stock prices recover.
REIT’s generally have a long haul view of their commercial real estate investments, and have the staying power to implement major campus remodels and building improvements that will last for many decades. Most of the remaining large tracts of quality buildable land in the central San Diego region are owned by REIT’s, waiting for larger users to come along that might need a campus, or for a market recovery in which to build new spec buildings.
While I am not an investor in REIT’s, to avoid any conflicts of interest with my business of representing corporate tenants in their leases, institutional real estate investors should be taking a close look at the opportunities in REIT stocks. I have seen billions of dollars of public pension fund money wiped out over the last 4 years due to pension funds directly investing in commercial real estate buildings and projects. Pension funds have less expertise in operating real estate, thinner local operating staffs (if any at all) and less market visibility to be making direct investments in commercial real estate. By owning or investing in single-asset buildings or projects, there is also significant market-timing risk related to when an investor might need to get out of the real estate. Pension funds have been net sellers of real estate over the last three years, as they have faced loans maturing and the need to rebalance their portfolios.
Investment in REIT’s offers the ability to sell in an instant, as they are publicly traded stocks, and also offers a great way to diversify a portfolio. While one REIT in itself offers diversity due to the number of buildings it might own, a portfolio of REIT’s can offer industry, geographic and product diversity. There are REIT’s separately specializing in retail, industrial or office product. There are REIT’s that operate separately on the west coast or east coast. There are REIT’s like Alexandria, Biomed Realty and HCP that focus only on life science real estate. There are even REIT mutual funds if you don’t have time to do the research on individual REIT’s. REIT’s are the future of real estate investment!


读万卷书  &&
行万里路 &&
阅人无数 &&
名师指路 &&
自己悟  (last step)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013
