Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Google's coming challenges

Read the news about Yahoo's revenue, associating with Google's recent report. I had to ask myself this question,

- is that it for the search era?

Thinking more about it, looks like the answer may not be that difficult, at least from the surface. Like every other sectors, Ad revenue is not unlimited. With the fix-sized pie, more portions it is carved, smaller each portion will be. With Facebook joining in to share the pie, and MSFT aggresivelly fighting back, the slice for Yahoo and Google are to be impacted. This is no brainer.

Now, what did Yahoo do? My wild guess is that they are seeking some new avenue for revenue. Otherwise, why would they pick someone with Paypal experiences? and kicked out the father of search, Jerry boy.

For Google, who I personally have more interest in, what are coming? Well, Android + Motorola Solutions is one direction, obviously they started way earlier; Google TV, honestly, is not very successful (my gut feeling is  Apple TV would surpass it, if Tim decides to go that route); Google office, etc., obviously is fighting head-to-head with MSFT. This may be a chance. Question is, how to monetize these products. Remember MSFT makes tons of money of them while Google Docs are free (at this moment).

Pondering, with the rich cash in the bank, GOOG can do something else.