Tuesday, April 23, 2013

AIG, COH (2)

Can today be it? Or more room?

Probably the later till late May ---"sell in May, then go away"

Monday, April 22, 2013

David Einhorn

David Einhorn grew up in Milwaukee and graduated from Cornell. He learned the hedge fund business from Gary Siegler and Peter Collery, who managed the SC Fundamental Value Fund. David Einhorn is one of the most successful long/short equity hedge fund managers of the past decade. David Einhorn’s Greenlight Capital returned 15.9% in 2010, and 21.5% since its inception in 1996. Greenlight Capital’s market beta is around 0.5, meaning if they didn’t have any stock picking skill, they would have returned about half of the market’s return.
“We try to find things that are misunderstood,” says Einhorn. “And then if we think something is misunderstood then we figure out if it’s misvalued. And if we figure out that it’s misunderstood and misvalued, then we tend to invest”.

Example Top Holdings



1.) AAPL

2.) GM

3.) CI

4.) MRVL

5.) CSC

6.) DLPH

7.) AET

8.) MSFT

Market Vectors E T F Trust

10.) NCR

11.) STX

12.) ESV

13.) CBS

14.) VMED

15.) XRX

16.) AHL

17.) AAPL

18.) DST

19.) BAGL

20.) S

21.) BWC

22.) YHOO

23.) LM

24.) OAK

25.) ABX

26.) NVR

27.) GOOG

Friday, April 19, 2013

Economist should do as Darwin

Charlie Munger once said:
Darwin tried to disconfirm his ideas as soon as he got 'em. He quickly put down in his notebook anything that disconfirmed a much-loved idea. He especially sought out such things. If you keep doing that over time, you get to be a perfectly marvelous thinker instead of one more klutz repeatedly demonstrating first-conclusion bias.

When to bottom fishing?


Friday, April 12, 2013

READ this everyday


AIG too early

Cashed out AIG while at Cancun .... too early