Sunday, November 11, 2012


Sitting on the side of Bollinger and De Anza Bldge, sipping Startbucks coffee, the cars are flying by with the honks and squeeking sounds every now and then, I am pondering - why the real estate price is so high here?

1) school - maybe; but every parent in the right mind knows that kids excel not because of the school, but because of the parents' attention and willingness to pay the bills; "Peer Pressure"? maybe, but it can become so big that the effect is just the opposite --- one delimma

2) the neighbors? could be. When everyone else is making millions a year by doing all sorts of hard-working/investment, you are going to be pressured and copy what the neighbor is doing, especially amongst the asian community; For this purpose, why not move to PA or Saratoga? More rich neighbors, more ideas ... or maybe a matter of fit-in?

3) conveniences - I think this may be the best reason to move into this neighborhood. It is close to a lot of amenities, including the after-school ECs for all the kids that are doing on weekends even on the weekday evenings .... a lot of time saved if they can find such a program around the corner of their house; besides, the shopping is so close-by if that does matter ... but to me, now a days, the shopping is really becoming less and less a portion of our family life --- we can just get by to shop at Trader Joes - once a week; not that big deal even if I have to drive a little ...

Will the RE price drop? maybe not.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Election is over

with DOW off 300+ points

Now, it is all back to the old days ....

Healthcare? High-tech?

SPN - exit when it is right
STEC - exit when no hope

Monday, November 5, 2012


KONA: small institutional ownership
back to favor to 2006 level
good growth

Picking Methods

Key factors:

                  do NOT follow the fashion!

                   Study, study, and study .... pick the diamond from a pile of rocks

                    LOW p/e HIGH e/s


Thursday, November 1, 2012

V, Ma, AXP

AXP is the past

MA has better earning than V

MA has more cash than V


Really good day --- maybe it is close to voting day? I don't trust the job data --- because too many IT jobs are being cut, plus UBS 10k ...

Finished the book

A top genius from BD

Pretty good writing skill

Pretty successful player in bonds

Pretty good deep-dive of Wall Street, esp. several analysis of the 2008 Wall Street problems....

only thing needs to think more is about Stock trading --- which he didn't seem to have much experiences in it